Category Archives: Uncategorized
クジラ食べ放題ってこと – All you can eat whale
I was reading this article about the whale-hunt in Japan ceasing. Then I saw this add for “all you can eat”…. I couldn’t help thinking it was whale… Don’t get me wrong, I eat game-meat, and I don’t pass judgment one way or the other on the whaling-debat. But I am still grossed out by this….
What’s this?
How do you turn on Bluetooth when the checkbox is grayed out?
Test from HTC Aria
This article is mostly a test to see if my Android phone’s WordPress App can upload media… It failed on video… let’s see how it does with a picture…
Cannot post non-ASCII chars into WordPress blog
I have some Japanese blog posts from before when I was running an early version of WordPress, and I can even enter some Japanese via phpMyAdmin and it shows as in:
But even if I try to type: “I was born in Montreal”, and give the e an acute accent, WP refuses to even save it in the database. I get Montr trying to save it in the Visual Editor
I wonder what happens if I write it in HTML…
Montréal (Montréal) That works!!!…
Still doesn’t help type Japanese though…. or even write accented letters without looking up their HTML encoding….
I also tried installing a few other instances of WordPress too. At first I assumed that something happened during an upgrade, and need to add something like But the new instance didn’t work. Then I tried downloading and installing the Japanese version too (as a new instance), but that didn’t work either…. All the menus showed up fine in Japanese, but any posting with non-ASCII characters would just show up blank…
Teaching Leon to use Photoshop
Today I taught Leon some basic photo editing in Photoshop… here is our creation:

All the Leons on the couch
16 hour time difference from LA to Tokyo
I love it when people say, I’m so jet-lagged, New York has a 13 hour time difference to Tokyo. Then the guy from LA says “you think that’s bad, there’s a 16 hour time difference from LA to Tokyo, so I’m even more jet lagged than you… According to that logic, people traveling from Honolulu to Tokyo must have terrible jet lag with a 19 hour difference, and traveling from Honolulu to Auckland must be worse than space travel for jet lag with it’s 22 hour time difference. Wake up! When you fly from America you have one long day (or night) and the date artificial changes at the date line, but actually according to local solar time, you can never have a greater than 12 hour difference… it only gets less when you pass the other side of the world….
あす、横浜のちょっと遠いところに行く事になってるけど、ルート履歴が見つからない。。。Navitimeの馬鹿やろう (笑)。
Aさん) 神奈川県横浜市栄区のななり1-13-19
Bさん) のななりはどうやって書くんですか?
Aさん) 野原の「野」に数字の7の漢字にパリの「り」の漢字(か、なんか馬鹿な説明)
Bさん) あ、了解しました。野七里ですね。ありがとうございます。
それでカーナビや携帯ナビがないとまたさらに説明が長くなるしね。。。 このウェブログを書き終わったら、電話しっちゃおう。。