Fruitful Agreement Traduzione

The common hope is that this agreement will foster a fruitful and forward-looking process of institutional dialogue and contribute positively to the life of the Catholic Church in China, to the common good of the Chinese people and to world peace. Nel quadro dei contatti tra la Santa Sede e la Repubblica Popolare Cinese, che sono in corso da tempo per trattare questioni ecclesiali di comune interesse e per promuovere ulteriori rapporti di intesa, oggi, 22 settembre 2018, si é svolta a Pechino una riunione tra Mons. Antoine Camilleri, Sotto-Segretario per i Rapporti della Santa Sede con gli Stati, e S.E. il Sig. Wang Chao, Viceministro degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, rispettivamente Capi delle Delegazioni vaticana e cinese. Announcement of the signing of interim agreements between the Holy Grail and the People`s Republic of China regarding the appointment of bishops Espressioni brevii: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, Altro Risultati: 177. Esatti: 177. Tempo di risposta: 112 ms. .

The Holy Land has long been in constant contact with the People`s Republic of China to discuss ecclesiastical issues of common interest and promote new cooperative relations, and on 22 of this month, Vice Foreign Minister Antonei Camileli of the Vatican and Vice Foreign Minister Wang Chao of the People`s Republic of China held talks in Beijing as heads of delegations on both sides. Il suddetto Accordo Provvisorio, che e frutto di un graduale e reciproco avvicinamento, viene stipulato dopo un lungo percorso di ponderata trattativa e prevede valutazioni periodiche circa la sua attuazione. Esso tratta della nomina dei Vescovi, questione di grande rilievo per la vita della Chiesa, e crea le condizioni per una pié ampiazione collaborazione a livello bilaterale. Nel contesto di tale incontro, i due Rappresentanti hanno firma to un Accordo Provvisorio sulla nomina dei Vescovi. . Today, September 22, 2018, as part of the long-running contacts between the Holy See and the People`s Republic of China to promote understanding, a meeting was held in Beijing between Bishop Antoine Camilleri, Under-Secretary of State for Holy See Relations with States, and His High Wang. Chao, Vice Foreign Minister of the People`s Republic of China, head of Vatican and Chinese delegations. . The interim agreement, a gradual and near result, was signed after a long process of careful discussion and will also be subject to regular evaluations of its own implementation.

The agreement deals with the appointment of bishops of crucial importance to ecclesial life and creates the conditions for greater cooperation between the two parties. The aforementioned interim agreement, which is the result of a gradual and reciprocal rapprochement, was agreed after a long process of careful negotiations and provides for the possibility of regularly reviewing their implementation. It is the appointment of bishops, an issue of great importance to the life of the Church, and it creates the conditions for closer cooperation at the bilateral level. During the talks, representatives of both parties signed an interim agreement on the appointment of bishops. Statement on the signing of a provisional agreement between the Holy See and the People`s Republic of China on the appointment of bishops During this meeting, a provisional agreement on the appointment of bishops was signed.



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