While marriage contracts can be an effective tool to protect your most valuable assets in the event of divorce, it`s best to consult with a family law lawyer before agreeing on one to ensure that all the terms of the document are enforceable. The maintenance obligation of the spouses continues even after the dissolution of the marriage. If a former spouse`s income is not sufficient to cover his or her cost of living and cannot reasonably be expected to provide the necessary income, he or she may apply to the court to order the other ex-spouse to pay support for his or her cost of living. The court may do this in the divorce order or in a subsequent order. In calculating support, the court takes into account the needs of the spouse receiving the payment and the resources of the other spouse. Non-financial factors may also be taken into account, such as for example. B the duration of the marriage or the length of life of the spouses. If the Tribunal does not set a limit on the duration of maintenance, the maintenance obligation expires after 12 years. In cases where the dependent spouse is facing particular financial difficulties, he or she may ask the court to extend this period. If a marriage was short (less than five years) and did not give birth to children, the period during which maintenance must be paid will in principle not exceed the duration of the marriage itself. If the spouses or former spouses agree on alimony, they can withhold the agreement in a divorce settlement. He added: “The costs vary greatly geographically, but also depending on the practice and reputation of the lawyer.
However, it is likely that you and your future spouse should be prepared to spend a similar amount as you would on your basic estate planning documents (trusts, wills, powers, etc.). “Spouses may choose a regime other than ordinary legislation if they conclude a marriage contract or (rarely) a terminated contract. These agreements also define the rules for the division of property in the event of divorce. Please note that Salvadoran law provided in the marriage contract that the couple had to choose one of three matrimonial regimes: the U.S. citizen would have to apply to the elected official to draw up a “pre-marital acta” (pre-secret agreement). In the event that the couple or one of them does not understand Spanish, they should find a notary public who speaks English so that he can design the translation of the marriage contract and the “Escritura Publica de Matrimonio” (marriage certificate). If parents continue to share custody after divorce, they must agree on the distribution of the financial burden of raising their children. .
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